
Beresford Update (13th August, 2014)

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your ongoing prayers. It means the world to us that so many people are remembering us before the Lord. There isn’t really much to report and things continue to go according to the medical plan. We are half way through the treatment now and I have had six out of twelve doses of the prescribed drug. Sadly, each treatment gets worse so I’m not exactly having an easy time of it, but we are managing to keep smiling – and I’m managing to keep joking around – so I guess that probably means we’re not doing too bad. There are no words for how awful the treatments make me feel, so do keep the sympathy coming. I said in an earlier update that the chemo was unlikely to make me feel as if I was at death’s door. Well, guess what? I was wrong! (I’m definitely a bit of a poor old sausage this year!)

Belinda and Bethany are doing great and still looking after me real good, and I’m even managing to be a bit useful here and there as well. My hopes for some significant productivity as far as writing is concerned through this time hasn’t quite gone according to plan, but I am working on a bunch of articles that will be posted on our website in due course. My concentration has been hit hard, and certainly more than I had anticipated, and the doctors have made it clear that I was unrealistic to think I could carry on anything like as normal. I therefore have to just keep surrendering to the current limitations. I have been able to do a bit of work here and there on some projects around the house that need doing, and Belinda and I are bit by bit stripping the wood on the doors, skirting boards and stairwell downstairs by the front door ready for repainting. I have even mastered the art of using a hot air gun to strip the paint off. It does the job great, though I do accept that it’s a bit of a shame about the carpet. It says on the box that the gun melts paint and varnish…but it doesn’t say anything about carpets! So I blame the manufacturers! (Belinda and Bethany are strictly blaming me!) But we needed some new carpet anyhow, and fortunately melted floor coverings are included in our house contents insurance policy. (Isn’t life fun?)

I keep getting asked if there are any more pearls of wisdom on the way from me regarding what we are going through, and I have no doubt that there will be at some point. However, I’m not one for saying things just for the sake of it, so am only sending out thoughts the Lord has specifically laid on my heart to share. Everyone is quite busy enough without having to read too many of my mental meanderings. I will therefore leave you all in peace to get on with whatever it is you are doing. My next poisoning, because that’s what chemotherapy is, will be next Wednesday, so do spare a thought (and yet another prayer) for a poor old sausage getting yet another chemical grilling.

Take care and God bless.

in Him,
